The First EMAC Film Festival

Sophomore Trevor Stiff was hesitant when he received his assigned group for the first Emerging Media and Communications (EMAC) Film Festival.

Staying true to his original group, Stiff and his team members started forming the plot line for their short film. Each film had to be between 2-3 minutes, include the given prompt, “The End of the Line” and the required prop, a pencil.

Along with the short film, each group had to create a movie trailer, a movie poster, 5-7 behind the scene photos and tweet every 30 minutes.

“The last time we had a film festival, my team really procrastinated on editing our segment. When it finally got done exporting, we were 15 minutes past deadline and it was really embarrassing,” freshman Bethany Tallon said.

 Unfortunately, for some groups the postproduction took longer than expected.

“Nothing seemed to work like it should. Our equipment was lagging and our Internet kept turning off, it was very frustrating,” sophomore Keith Kellenberger said.

By 3 p.m. all products had to be posted on the EMAC WordPress site, with the videos embedded. All of the group’s videos had to be uploaded to YouTube by the deadline in order to watch and talk about each film.

Each group’s movie trailer was played first, and then their film was played. Sophomore Trevor Stiff’s group had the most feedback on their short film. Even though their film was over the time limit, the audience was hooked.

“I was surprised that everyone laughed, because it wasn’t really suppose to funny. I wasn’t ready for the huge applause at the end, it was really overwhelming,” Stiff said.

All in all the second EMAC Film Festival was a success. Although there were technical difficulties, the students liked how they could use their creativity throughout their products.

Story By: Megan Menegay

Photo Courtesy of: Emma Eells


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